Blister, Pinholing & Bughole Troubleshooting

Blister, Pinholing & Bughole Troubleshooting

In coating applications, blistering of the coating system can always present a difficult situation for the integrity of the installation. One can spray a coating system for an extended period of time and never experience a blister. Then, blisters may appear in the very next job or even the next spray period of an existing blister free application area.

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Blister, Pinholing & Bughole Troubleshooting

Cold Wall Effect in Tank Lining Work

Cold Wall Effect is a condition that exists in structures such as tanks, vessels, buildings, and other structures that have coatings / linings applied on areas where their opposite sides have a temperature lower than the face of the side that is being coated / lined. In other words, when there is a thermal gradient between one side of a contained area and another. Blisters may occur between the liner and the surface. An example is a steel tank that holds a heated liquid inside, and outside the tank it is a lower or cold temperature. This is forced condensation of moisture on the back-side of the liner system.

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Blister, Pinholing & Bughole Troubleshooting

Importance of Material Agitation in Drums

When you receive a drum shipment of the polyurea spray elastomer systems, the resin component is packaged in a drum such that there is a center 2” bung in the lid. While many polyurea system suppliers strive to be the best in the business, this center bung is not just for looks or a second vent source. This bung serves a major importance as it is designed to accept a drum mixer for the material.

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Blister, Pinholing & Bughole Troubleshooting

Polyurea Marketing Description Paper

The prospects of landing a major coating application loomed before the contractor who could meet the requirements of the job. But how could these areas be efficiently coated/repaired in a seven-day-a-week, 10 – 14 hour-a-day, setting without closing some portion of the area use or daily traffic?

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